Robotic Surgery
Seated at a special viewing and control console, the surgeon controls a robotic arm unit to perform the delicate surgical procedures inside the patient, while the system allows him or her to work more intricately, and see in far greater detail, than traditional surgical methods.
Instead of using a long, traditional incision to open the surgical site, surgeons need only make small incisions into which they guide three thin stainless steel probes guided by the surgical robotic arms. One rod is fitted with a camera that shows the surgeon a detailed three-dimensional view of the operation through the viewing console. The other two hold the delicate surgical instruments the surgeon uses to dissect and suture the tissue being operated on, using precision controls that move in perfect synchronization with the surgeon's hands.
Smaller incisions mean reduced trauma to surrounding tissue, which translates into reduced hospital stays. In many cases, a patient can go home in a day or two following a robotic procedure—half the time required for traditional open surgery. Robotic surgery can also speed up recovery times, reduce post-operative infection risks and let patients return to their normal daily activities far sooner with more successful outcomes.
Robotic Surgery System Peeling A Grape
General Surgery Procedures
- Single incision cholecystectomy
- Cholecystectomy
- Inguinal hernia
- Ventral/umbilical/incisional hernias
- Colectomies
- Nissen fundiplication
- Hiatel hernia
Gynecological Procedures
- Hysterectomy
- Myomectomy
- Endometriosis resection
Orthopedic Procedures
- Partial and full knee replacement and hip replacement